Nightlase Therapy

Nightlase Therapy at Oregon Derma Center


Fotona NightLase Therapy  

Fotona NightLase Therapy, a unique and advanced treatment for snoring and sleep apnea, is also known as YAG. It stands out from other treatments because it can improve sleep quality and offer several other benefits. This non-invasive technique utilizes state-of-the-art laser technology to heat the tissues in the mouth cavity gently, stimulating collagen production and tightening the soft palate. The result is a significant reduction in snoring and improved breathing patterns during sleep, leading to a more restful night’s sleep. 

Our Fotona NightLase Therapy offers several advantages, including faster results, increased energy, better attention, and less partner irritation. This comprehensive solution, with its rapid, safe, and effective nature and the use of dual-wavelength laser technology, can significantly relieve sleep-related disorders. It’s a beacon of hope for those seeking a peaceful, uninterrupted night’s sleep. 

The new non-invasive Fotona NightLase Therapy treatments have been shown to improve patient sleep quality. Oregon Derma Center uses cutting-edge technology and procedures to ensure you get the best night’s sleep possible. 

Nightlase Therapy Benefits

  • Non-Invasive Treatment
    One of the most significant advantages of Fotona NightLase Therapy is that it is not an invasive procedure. This means no surgery, incisions, or needles are required. Instead, Fotona NightLase Therapy empowers you with specialized laser technology to heat the tissues in the mouth cavity safely and gently, stimulating collagen formation.

    This treatment effectively reduces snoring, sleep apnea, and related symptoms. Fotona NightLase Therapy is a comfortable and convenient solution that puts you in control of improving your sleep.
  • Immediate Results
    One notable benefit of Fotona NightLase Therapy is that it produces rapid results. Unlike some treatments, which require multiple sessions or progress slowly over time, Fotona NightLase Therapy yields visible results immediately. This prompt response, thanks to the laser technology targeting and heating tissues in the oral cavity, promotes collagen formation and tightens the soft palate, can reassure you that your sleep quality and breathing patterns will improve as soon as the first session.
  • Feel More Rested 
    Fotona NightLase Therapy improves sleep quality and allows for a more restful night’s sleep by treating snoring and sleep apnea. Snoring and sleep apnea frequently disrupt sleep patterns, leading to fragmented, poor-quality sleep. This may result in drowsiness,  lethargy, and a lack of energy throughout the day.

    Our therapy addresses the underlying causes of various sleep-related disorders by tightening oral cavity tissues,  reducing airway obstruction, and improving airflow while sleeping. As a result, people who use this therapy regularly experience fewer sleep interruptions, allowing them to sleep more profoundly and soundly.
  • Alleviate Partner Irritation  
    Snoring can be a source of irritation for both the snorer and their sleeping partner. The loud noise and frequent sleep disruptions can lead to feelings of aggravation and annoyance. Fotona NightLase Therapy directly addresses snoring by tightening the tissues in the oral cavity, reducing the vibrations that cause the snoring sound.

    This therapy creates a more peaceful and quiet sleeping environment for both individuals, potentially improving their relationship and overall quality of life. This advantage of Fotona NightLase Therapy can lead to more peaceful and restful sleep for both individuals, enhancing their relationship and promoting a higher overall quality of life.
  • Sleep Through The Night
    One of the most significant benefits of Fotona NightLase Therapy is its ability to help people sleep all night. Patients with snoring or sleep apnea frequently have episodes of breathing pauses or loud snoring noises while sleeping. This can result in frequent awakenings and fragmented, restless sleep.

    Fotona NightLase Therapy addresses the underlying causes of sleep-related disorders by tightening oral cavity tissues, improving airway stability, and removing blockages. As a result, people who receive Fotona NightLase Therapy can sleep uninterrupted.
  • Enjoy More Energy
    Snoring and sleep apnea can cause daytime drowsiness, fatigue, and a lack of vitality. By treating these underlying issues, Fotona NightLase Therapy enables people to sleep better and have better breathing patterns at night. As a result, people wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after a more peaceful and restful sleep.

    People who get enough sleep have more energy, are more alert, and pay better attention throughout the day. The increased energy levels provided by Fotona NightLase Therapy improve various aspects of life, including productivity, physical activity, and overall quality of life.

    Fotona NightLase Therapy boosts energy levels, allowing people to live more actively and fully, free from the burden of daytime exhaustion caused by sleep issues. 
  • Higher Level of Focus When Rested
    One notable advantage of Fotona NightLase Therapy is that it can improve attention. Sleep disruptions can lead to fragmented sleep and poor sleep quality. As a result, people may experience daytime fatigue, lack of concentration, and reduced cognitive function. Fotona NightLase Therapy addresses these concerns by improving airway stability and reducing blockages while sleeping, resulting in better sleep quality and increased oxygen flow to the brain. This leads to increased attentiveness during awake hours. Individuals undergoing Fotona NightLase Therapy frequently find themselves better able to concentrate on tasks, maintain attention, and complete mentally demanding activities due to improved sleep patterns and increased daytime alertness. 
  • Fast, Safe & Effective
    With the Fotona NightLase, we can safely optimize the laser pulse, allowing for precise penetration into the oral mucosa tissue at the optimal heat point for treatment effectiveness inside the mouth. While this may sound unpleasant, this treatment is relatively safe. 

    The fact that Fotona NightLase Therapy is quick, safe, and compelling is a huge plus. The treatment is designed to be fast, with each session lasting only a few minutes. This enables patients to receive counseling without requiring a significant time commitment or disrupting their daily routines. Furthermore, because it is non-invasive and does not involve any surgical procedures or drugs, Fotona NightLase Therapy is considered a safe technique.

Book With Our Team Of Experts Today 

Many people have found Fotona NightLase Therapy effective at reducing snoring and alleviating sleep apnea symptoms. Fotona NightLase Therapy, combining speed, safety, and efficacy, offers a dependable and efficient solution for those suffering from snoring and other sleep-related issues.

Schedule a consultation by calling us today at (971) 229-2185. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals at Oregon Derma Center.