Biote Hormone Pellets

Biote Hormone Pellets Oregon Derma Center

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The Oregon Derma Center is thrilled to introduce BioTE® Pellet Therapy! Experience a rejuvenated, healthier version of yourself! Relieve the symptoms caused by your body’s natural decline in hormone production and look forward to a brighter future. 

BioTE® is the hormone replacement therapy of choice for men and women seeking a natural vitality boost without the daily application of creams or the need to remember pills. Our therapy treatment lets you enjoy the benefits without worrying about unwanted side effects. BioTE® Medical leads the way in natural hormone replacement therapy through subcutaneous pellets. 

With BioTE® Medical Hormone Pellet Therapy, you can enjoy consistent daily hormone levels for four to six months. Say goodbye to the ‘roller coaster’ effect and hello to a more balanced and vibrant life!

Advantages of Biote Hormone Pellets

  • Increase Energy Level 
  • Sex Drive
  • Sleep Quality
  • Mental Clarity 
  • Mood regulation
  • Improve overall health and protect your brain, bones, breast, and heart.

BHRT (bio-identical hormone replacement therapy) is intended to replace what the body can no longer produce, restoring the body’s protective benefits and allowing it to age naturally and healthfully. Hormonal balance is critical for good health as we age. BioTE® can help you regain your hormonal balance.

Bio-Identical Hormone Pellet Therapy – Is it for you?

Whether you’re a woman, a man, or in your teens, even slight hormonal imbalances can disrupt your body. We understand the impact it can have from sapping your energy and clouding your concentration to causing mood swings, lowering your sex drive, and leading to weight gain. You’re not facing this alone.

Natural bio-identical hormones sourced from plants are substances that our bodies can naturally process without any effects. These personalized bioidenticals are customized to match each person’s needs, a level of tailoring that mass-produced products cannot achieve. When your hormones are in sync you’ll undoubtedly feel a renewed sense of vitality and positive energy.

Is Bio-Identical Hormone Pellet Therapy right for you? Schedule a consultation today!

What are Hormone Pellets?

Pellets contain a naturally occurring plant source of estrogen or testosterone. A compounding pharmacist, following strict federal guidelines, compounds the estrogen and testosterone used in the pellets. 

These pellets, about the size of a grain of rice, are implanted in the fatty tissue beneath the skin and closely mimic the actions of healthy ovaries and testicles regarding hormone release into the bloodstream in response to cardiac output. Hormone pellet implantation is a simple office procedure. 

Hormone Pellet Therapy for Women

Hormone levels may decline in women in their twenties and thirties. When compared to conventional hormone replacement therapy, studies show that pellets are highly effective for menopausal symptom relief, bone density maintenance, sleep pattern restoration, improved sex drive, sexual response and performance, depression, anxiety, irritability, mood swings relief, and many other benefits. 

Pellet implants are commonly used to provide relief for migraines and menstrual headaches. They also help with issues like dryness, incontinence, urinary urgency, and frequency. Moreover, numerous research studies indicate that natural testosterone can play a role in preventing conditions such as breast cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and heart disease.

Hormone Pellet Therapy for Men

The decline in testosterone levels typically begins in men’s thirties. Signs of testosterone deficiency in males may include fatigue, reduced sharpness, decreased libido, and challenges with erection quality. Hormone therapy can offer benefits regardless of age.

Pellet therapy ensures a level of testosterone to what naturally functioning testicles produce. It is a form of treatment that helps maintain the hormone levels essential for men’s well-being. Pellet Therapy is particularly suited for those seeking the advantages of hormones without the effects associated with synthetic options.

Furthermore, various studies suggest that maintaining “testosterone levels within the range of 400 to 800 ng/dl can have benefits for conditions like cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, prostate cancer, and osteoporosis, among others.

What To Expect

Typical oral and transdermal forms of therapy produce a “roller coaster” of blood testosterone levels, causing mood and energy fluctuations in the patient. Roller coaster hormone levels do not provide the same long-term benefits as pellets that produce steady-state hormones in the bloodstream. 

Our team is here to take your call to set up a consultation and determine whether you’re a candidate. 

Schedule a consultation by calling us today at (971) 229-2185. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals at Oregon Derma Center.